The Bioscience program provides students who have a passion for contemporary biology experiences to learn through observations of the sources of biological knowledge, the molecules, cells, organisms, and environments each inhabit. Our unique schedule frees us from traditional constraints allowing us time for inquiry and project based learning. Similarly, through regular in-class interactions with academic and business experts and field trips to their home institutions, students will begin their journey in becoming members of the local and broader scientific community.
The program is offered in three laboratory spaces housing authentic laboratory equipment and technology. Two of the laboratories are teaching spaces for the junior level course offerings. The remaining laboratory is for senior level student research and as a home base for students participating in academic or business internships.
The Bioscience program highlights the renaissance occurring in the Biosciences and will prepare participating students for becoming an integral component of these times of change. Read about several of our CAPS Bioscience students' research and experiences. Biosciences courses include Molecular Medicine and Bioengineering, Environmental Science, Bioscience Research and Veterinary Medicine.
Academic References:
The following academic references support the kind of educational experience we promote at CAPS:
- Lopatto, David, Survey of Undergraduate Research Experiences (SURE): First Findings, Cell Biology Education, Volume. 3, 270-277, Winter 2004
- Barlow, Amy E.L. & Merna Vilarejo, Making a difference for minorities: Evaluation of an educational enrichment program, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Volume 41, Issue 9, 861-881, 2004
- Russell, Susan H., et. al, Benefits of Undergraduate Research Experiences, Science, Volume 316, 548-54927 April 2007.
- Committe on Undergraduate Biology Education to Prepare Research Scientists for the 21st Century, BIO2010: Transforming Undergraduate Education for Future Research Biologists, The National Academies, 2003.