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11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

ZOOM – Parent Orientation for New CAPS Students – 2nd Semester

THIS EVENT IS RESCHEDULED TO A ZOOM FORMAT – Details will come from your student’s instructor via email this semester.  Zoom meetings are to be scheduled Tuesday, January 14, 11am CST.

We invite any parents that have students new to CAPS in the second semester of this school year. This is an opportunity to learn more about the unique expectations of CAPS in general as well as the individual classes.   If you have already been to one of our orientations previously there is no requirement to attend again, unless you want to learn more about the specifics of the class for the coming semester.  Students are not required to attend.

You are welcome to attend the open house, scheduled Wednesday, January 15th, 6-7pm, if you would like to visit the CAPS building.