CNA “Mock” Interview Day
8am & 1pm - 9:30am & 2:30pm
This is not open to the public. For students and…
experience the intersection of biology and technology through hands-on activities and projects.
follow a passionate pursuit from imagination to innovation.
Immerse yourself in professional environments where technology is utilized to design products and solve business problems.
modeled after cutting-edge engineering schools, inspired by Project Lead the Way and endorsed by business partners and post-secondary institutions.
get an early taste of a career in law, public safety or education.
explore a variety of healthcare career fields through coursework, shadowing opportunities, projects and certifications.
Blue Valley CAPS: Storyboard Animation from Overflow Story Lab on Vimeo.
8am & 1pm - 9:30am & 2:30pm
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM